my fingers, wrists, eyes, mind, and bones wanted to know something different - and, thus, the journey was set for a return to the mountain. this year involved a new cabin and one new person(josh). it was strenuous, fiber-filled feet lifting at its best.

(l to r: john, george, paul, josh, and rob)

(l to r: george)

(l to r: john and george)

(l to r: george and josh)

(l to r: paul, george, and josh)
my fingers, wrists, eyes, mind, and bones wanted to know something different - and, thus, the journey was set for a return to the mountain. this year involved a new cabin and one new person(josh). it was strenuous, fiber-filled feet lifting at its best.
(l to r: john, george, paul, josh, and rob)
(l to r: george)
(l to r: john and george)
(l to r: george and josh)
(l to r: paul, george, and josh)
cool pictures. you should like never forget to bring your camera to every event from now on... oooooh wait you already did. +1 / -1 peeerk shneek neerk
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