Saturday, November 18, 2006

well, it's finished. after an 8 hour session friday night, my piece for spiva's membership show is completed. i'm happy to be done with it, but it was still nice to have something do. i wish i would have kept count of how many times it cramped my hand, maybe next time. all in all, the piece took somewhere around 14 hours, which i couldn't say is above or below average(i usually don't watch the clock).

the first photo was taken november 7th, but i'm not exactly sure when it was begun.

from the top:

it was completed on saturday, november 18th around 4 a.m..

i was pleased with the way it turned out.


the title: That Place You Forgot About

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

things are kind of coming to a close out here and i'm kind of happy. i'm really excited for this break. friends and family couldn't sound any better. i think i've been building myself towards this break though. i've been working so hard, spreading myself over quite a bit that i'm just ready to sleep in my bed.....and maybe eat some magic noodle.

1. Physical Activity:
I enjoy working out but i usually don't do it unless i haven't in a while or i'm aggrevated over something. luckily, i've had quite a few motivators recently. steve, wynn, and myself have been hitting the gym once every few nights and it has been nice, tiring, and the cause of lots of soreness.

this also hasn't been helped by the fact that i've begun doing yoga. in one of my classes, critical thinking, (check out his BOOK....i found it on amazon)we were supposed to choose a goal for the quarter....mine was deeper workouts and relaxation strategies. thus, i figured yoga might be the perfect place to start, seeing as how it is a happy medium and all.

i was fortunate enough to have a teacher come to the towers to give a free class. following the class, i spoke to her and she helped me out with some more advanced positions. i'm still working on a couple though.

my favorite position ye far:

two days after my intense workout session, i spent a day on the mountain. pretty much everyone and their cousin came to KEYSTONE and it was a great time. we got their around 11 and left at 4. i really enjoyed it and somehow managed to not kill myself, though sometimes i thought my muscles were trying to.

the group(w/ erica somewhere else):

(dustin, lacey, austin, staphanie, adam, ryan, kelli, dave, and myself)

smash bros is being played practically every night. the usuals are wynn, steve, and myself....but everyonce in a while joe or someone else sneeks in for a little bit.

this will end up serving well over thanksgiving break as there will be lots of time spent playing this game.

a couple of days ago, steve came up with the idea that we should make a poster. i've already seen a pretty good rough draft and it is magnificent. we have all three of our faces on their, but the tricky part was decideding who would get the coveted middle slot. we decided we should have a race to 15. first to get there would get their place, whomever was in second at the time would get to pick their side, and third would get nothing and like it.

it was a really intense night and very close for most of it. steve came out to take the lead initially. be was the first to reach 10. after the short break, i began mounting a major comeback and ended up winning by the tally of myself with 15, steve with 12, and wynn with 10.

as soon as i can, i'll post the poster. until then, this photo of them after the loss will have to do.


3. School

classes are getting better and harder, just what i like. i had to mock up some photos for computer app. in photoshop. they are supposed to be self-portraits without me in them.

numero uno:

i like it when things are calm, nice, and serene. thus i went with the beach, the mountains, a sunset, and the ocean. i took the photo of the mountain....i think i even posted it before.

numero dos:

this one was less thought out. basically, i like it when i can control what is going on. thus the switchboard to the world.

for some reason, since i've come out here....i really have just been living on mac & cheese, rotel, and ramen. not saying i don't like those but the one meal i've really been missing is fettucini alfredo. after numerous attempts on prepackaged sauces, i decided to make some myself. oh god, how good it was. i was so excited i took a photo.


i've been working on my art piece and i think i've decided on a title, but i'll save that until i finish the piece completely.

almost half-way:

so i went to see ISLANDS

the band:

it was awesome and crazy and something else altogether.
they came like 9 hours late. i got to the club at 7:30 to make sure i got a good spot in front of the stage; then, the band didn't arrive until about 12:30 and then started about 12:50. it was really aggrevating but made me appreciate it so much more. so i was right in the front of the stage, taking photos and enjoying everything.

at the beginning of the show, NICK DIAMONDS, formerly of my favorite band ever, THE UNICORNS, was right in front of me.

check out how close nick was:

crazy part was, at one point, he took my camera from my and started taking photos of the crowd.

the photo he took of me:

(notice my 'i can only imagine' t-shirt)

sorry you weren't able to join me pat. don't you worry though; i got plenty of videos.

i'm not sure if i'll get up another post before i come home. mayby, maybe not. until then...can't wait to see you all

Friday, November 10, 2006

this quarter my classes have been somewhat lackluster. last wednesday we learned the program photoshop and i thought it was pretty intersting. only problem is that there is so much to do on the program that i won't ever know everything. luckily my good friend steve(tall guy from halloween part who also happens to be a pool shark) knows the program way too well. pretty much better than the back of his he helped me out.

adam if made into a woman:

and yes i is really eerie. like i said before, steve is too good at this.

so anyways, i thought it might be humorous to write a note on facebook seeing whether people would prefer adam as a girl or guy. i've ask our group of friends to cast their votes and i'll have to keep you updated on how that goes.

here is how the note looks on facebook:

i finally finished disc one of city of men. i was so pleased with how well it was put together that i figured i would go buy it from tower. i had previously hid it, just in case i enjoyed the series. sadly, my hidden stash had been raided and my precious dvd sold.

i should mention that i did pick up some x-mas gifts... the following people are now off my list:
Patrick Allen Turk
Richard Allen Moss(might pick up one other not totally crossed off)
Erica Don't Know The Middle Name Anderson

speaking of christmas, madre and i spoke about the christmas card today. i need to get to steppin' or it might not get done.

i've gotten over a 1/4th done on my piece for the auction and promised my mother i would post it once i made it that far. to no further ado:

it still has a lot of work to be done. i put in at least an hour a night. i'm still debating a title, but i've got a few ideas i'm mulling over.

oh yeah, check out me bartending. credit to nigel for the photo. mom and dad i hope you're proud....i pumped that keg like a pro.

so for myself, i picked up willy wonka and the chocolate factory. my all-time favorite child film. don't get me wrong, peter pan and the never ending story come close....but they just aren't willy. anyways, i was watching an extra feature discussing how the film was pretty much made to come out with a new candy bar which adopted the name wonka....thus the wonka bar. the line is still used sometimes today, but usually not for chocolate. the candy bar that came out with the movie ended up being withdrawn very quickly because of a mistake in the recipe that caused the bar to melt while just sitting on a grocery store shelf. pretty much to sum it up, i wish i could still buy wonka bars....

one of the worst things about graphic designers is how bad they can screw up good things. this really occured to me today when i bought wonka....check out the old poster:

then the one i just purchased:

i wish you could see the box closer. it is photoshopped horribly. it isn't even charlie's body....they just put his face on some other child's torso. then the horrible clip art....and makes me want to scream. sadly, i find horrible design so much more often than something that is well executed and professional. this is why i want to do what i want to do

Friday, November 03, 2006

i love it when it feels like i don't have a chance to think. it seems like i've been so busy recently that everything i've done has been instinct, which usually ends up being good.

i've been watching a tv series called CITY OF MEN and it is just incredible. i'm still only a few episodes in and it is already seems great. it is based on one of my favorite movies, CITY OF GOD. of course, it doesn't shine nearly as bright as the movie, but i don't think anything could live up to that.

last tuesday the mile high mullet project lost in the championship game 5 to 4. i wasn't happy but we lost to a good team. also, for the most part, we fought hard. i think i had 3 goals in the final and either 3 or 4 in the semifinals, which we won 5 to 4. i was pretty beat up around my shins and ankles, but i enjoy the feeling; makes me feel like i've taken some people to school.

i went skiing for the first time in my short time out in colorado. i went with a friend kelli. here she is chilling on the mountain:

it was a nice day and relatively uneventful. i took a camera from the school for class. it is for an upcoming project in computer application. i will be using photoshop and it is supposed to be a self-portrait without any photos of myself. more info to come.

here is one of the photos i took with the school's camera:

tonight, the 3rd, i helped ANDENKEN open their new show. it was for a local denver group called THE YUMMIES. they had billions of friends artwork in the show. lots of neat pieces. i served the booze all night and i was fun. i even ended up making some moolah which was nice. nigel and robi dropped by and we all hung out for a bit. it was really nice.

robi, person, nigel(looking inbred), and person

here are my favorite pieces from the show:
my favorite of them all

cool use of space;interesting structure

for you dad, though still one of my favorites

something about it

one of the coolest things about the yummies is that, although they also paint, they also perform. in costumes. funny. i kind of had a little exchange with the guy in the animal suit too. hopefully something will come of it.

oh yes, my last assignment in computer application was the create a logo. i based it on my previous logo from fundamentals of design. i've actually modified it since then just a tad bit to include my initials(per my teachers request....the idiot/person i disagree with. long story but in my opinion good logos don't need letters). the one with letters came out pretty nicely though. i'll probably post next time.

also, i've begun work on my piece for st. avips. it is coming along at a steady pace but i will show it once i have more done. it will sort of be like that black and white which i had previously been showing....but more solid around the whole.

i've got to run to work on a something special. one hint: my artwork will be transferring surfaces without my help