Thursday, September 21, 2006


my two finals:

1. Color Theory:
A. I worked until like 5 in the morning. This was my station of work.

B. The original photo.

C. The finished version after i worked on it in class.

2. Fundamentals of Design
A.My finished drawings with original sculpture and clay replica.

I'm really happy to have everything completed. Next quarter I'm taking fundamentals of drawing, computer application, critical thinking, and copy & news writing.

I plan on giving the painting to Alex.

Sorry, I wasn't able to get a picture of the soccer team. Anyways, we won our first game and lost our second.

Click here to see team rankings and results

At the moment we are ranked #1 but I'm not sure we can hold it after next week. The next team we play is above decent and actually ranked #2. Though, they are not the second best team in the league. I've watched a few others play and I think 'Happy Hour Experience' is the next best. I'm sad I have to miss the next game but when i return, I'll be really ready to play.

I miss you all and I'll be seeing you soon.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

wow, things have been hectic out here in denver. keeping up my grades that is really all that matters

well...that and soccer

i'm playing on a team called Mile High Mullet Project. of course, the name doesn't sound too serious but so far we are all business. Undefeated at the moment, just in case you didn't know.

if anyone happens to be out here:
7:50:PM Golden Goal (Main Field) RRC(black)
WON 4-2
9/19/2006 8:00:PM Golden Goal (Main Field) Money Shot(Black)
Game Not Played
9/26/2006 8:00:PM Golden Goal (Main Field) Colorado Rapids1(White)
Game Not Played
10/3/2006 10:00:PM Golden Goal (Main Field) SHU 1(green)
Game Not Played
10/10/2006 10:00:PM Golden Goal (Main Field) Artificial Turf1(Green/green)
Game Not Played
10/17/2006 9:00:PM Golden Goal (Main Field) Beer Smurfs 1(lighter blue)
Game Not Played

i'll do my best to keep you updated as we continue to play. i'm not sure i'll be able to make it this upcoming tuesday but i'm thinking i will. the problem is that finals should be going on. the reason it isn't a problem is because i already have 2/3 of my final done. we had to make an object that is balanced(from foam), then duplicate it on paper from all angles, then make a replica from clay. i plan on finishing the clay either tomorrow or monday. either way, i don't think i'll have anything else to do for the next two classes. the only way things wouldn't work out too well is if she happened to say we were going to have another test. cross your fingers for me please

here is my project 2/3rds finished:

in other news, today i went on a run again....on the same route i always been taking. things were good. it was kind of cool today and i was really moving. of course, i knew i was making better time(because everytime i do this my times get better) but then i checked my cell phone after the first half; i had come in around 5 min. 30 sec. and that is about a third of the time it initially took me to run it. on the way back, it took me a little over 7 minutes...which after pushing so hard on the first half isn't too bad. i finished with some sprints, which i actually have a reason to do now that i have soccer. the league and team are really beginning to motivate me.

i've finally begun to get everything kind of organized around here. i finally put together my shelf for my dvds. check it:

tonight i'm going to a concert to see andrew bird(pat, i've put at least two, maybe three songs on your cds).

he came out with a really nice, relaxing record a year or two ago. i'm excited because it will be my first concert in denver. i was invited by a girl in my fundamentals of design class. she went through my ipod one day to learn she enjoys a lot of the music i do. it'll be nice to have someone who enjoys some of the light hearted pop that i do. interesting fact about her: she is in two circuses and is a trapeze artist

hopefully i can pick up some pictures tonight for all of you

i think i've talked to you about how i've been getting free tickets to movies. i just got one to Infamous. it is the story about truman capote and looks good but sadly i miss it because i will be in joplin. i think i've worked out a way to see the new borat movie for free. i learned about some special thing on myspace(which i do not have) and had wynn let me use his account. anyways, hopefully i'm able to pick up some free tickets....FREE IS GREAT

watch Borat's movie trailer by clicking here

it is going to be one of the funniest movies to come out in the last decade. i guarantee it

other than that, i've been on some crazy mad art lately. so big things have been happening that you MUST know about...

first, BANKSY....the crazy graffiti stencil dude who always has something to say.....just put on his first big show. the artwork is crazy and word is that most of his pieces are moving for $1,000,000+. it was a three day show and celebs were there out the wazoo.

click here to view his work

one of my favorite artists, donny miller has just put out a book recently. it is called beautiful people with beautiful feelings. anyways, he pretty much does exactly what i want to do. i'm kind of pissed the bastard beat me to it, but more power to him. i really do love his work though. anyways, crazy thing is that on his website...the first image that comes up.....i had the on my computer desktop like 4 years ago. he just has incredible touch on all his work.....almost like pop art with a modern touch.

click here to go to donny's site

there have been a few interesting developments in the sneaker busines....

one more artist i've really come to like is mel ramos. in fact, one of my favorite artists...richard phillips...well i'm pretty sure he just kind of completely adopted his stlye. then again, i still haven't found anything of mel's that beats richard's scout.

mel's website

other than that, i need to be taking more photos. i'll try to get some of my soccer team...and just everything else that i'm doing.

here is one of the few i've taken lately:

greg, wynn, and cletus getting into trouble. funny thing is wynn actually thought we would let him sleep.....ha.....sleep

oh yeah, one more art thing....
really cool thing out in new york
relatively inexpensive for the great art involved

Monday, September 11, 2006

i need to go to bed but i've found some really incredible artists. they must be shared.

the vik munix person is incredible. hopefully i'll post more of their works tomorrow. i found some awesome stuff with garbage and little plastic characters and i don't even know what else.

to summarize my day, woke...watched us open(hoped for 5 sets)...played soccer....asked to join indoor team....ate about art

then some guy named kent henrickson. yesterday i was in a virgin records and i saw pictures of his work. i wrote down his name on my arm and when i got home i could find little to nothing on him. his work is cool and different and unlike anything i've ever seen. what he does is like finds old tapestries and sows klu klux klan makes or like sow over womens faces to make them look like they have potato sacks over their heads. it is different and i love it. since he was so hard to find i assume he isn't famous, i might be able to afford his work. i've been trying to find a way to contact him...i'll have to keep you posted

Friday, September 08, 2006

i just found a art site that completely blew my mind. way too much talent on one site alone.

i was reading on some hype site and it was talking about a specialty piece of artwork for the science of sleep. of course, i had to check it out. it is incredible...just look below.

the piece is actually by michel gondry. he has really got some great stuff.

anyways, go to the site.... by clicking here

my favorites were E.V. Day, Jonathon Borofsky, Jim Isermann, Chris Johanson, Brad Kahlhamer, Barry Mcgee(he has always been one of my favorites), Os Gemeos, Raqib Shaw, and Swoon(more awesome paper cutting).

then there was one other, kehinde wiley, that i really like but only a few specific pieces check this one out.

i love how she paints rappers doing incredible things. in some of her other works, she will put what looks like a brand pattern(i.e. louis vuitton bags) across the whole thing. i remember her work from a couple years ago.

anyways, sorry so short. add more later. going to boulder again. night

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

i really have no idea what i'm going to write about. things have been pretty crazy lately but things are a lot better now. i've been reading and writing quite a bit. i just realized that blogger doesn't allow me to add songs on here. that is kind of disappointing.

lately, because i lost all of my playlists when i transferred computers, i've allowed my music collection to just be on shuffle. it has really introduced to some great music that i was completely unaware i had. the latest great song was by Ryan Adams and called 'Let It Ride'. it is the first country song i have liked in about 5 or 6 years. a huge accomplishment i must say.

tonight i went to see the science of sleep. i can't even remember how long i've been reading about this film, but it has been well over two years. it lived up to my expecations fully. michel gondry did what he always does. pretty much pure imagination at all times and i really couldn't have seen the way the
movie went. it was really great, surprisingly satisifying, and sad all at once. i'd really recommend it.

at the moment, i am studying for fundamentals of design. it isn't any fun and it pretty much over stuff i already know. it can be really aggrevating to study these terms when i already have a generalized idea...but i'm just worried the teacher will want me to be specific.

the last time i was in class, we had a color wheel do but my last one, which i did for color theory, wouldn't work. she needed a greyscale built into the colors. it was aggravating so instead of working hard, i went the slacker way and painted on my previous color wheel. i felt bad cause i was doing it all during class but i
t's ok. i was all sprawled out on my desk taking notes, painting the new wheel, and just trying to stay awake. anyways, the teacher liked my wheel when i turned it in i guess it all worked out a-ok.

i haven't been able to keep up with much art lately. i'm still reading about new stuff all the time, but nothing has really caught my eye. sorry mom, i'm sure i'll get more later.

wait...actually there was one guy. some photographer called boogie. check out his work here. the gang folder was my favorite.

here is my favorite:

tomorrow i have to do something in color theory with color harmonies or chords or something. i'm not really looking forward to it but i'm sure if i try to...i can have some fun. truthfully, i just wait to start painting again. when i come home, i'm definitely picking up my materials. the canvas is calling!

i really have no idea where i'm going. i'm wondering and i apologize. i'm really excited to see more films for free. i'll definitely be checking out that place all the time to see if i can find more. i guess the film doesn't come out for another 8 days.

oh yes, i finally paid my ticket from that first day i was here. it was 20 bucks which sucks but i'm just glad to have it handled. i guess i'm lucky it wasn't more though.

i'm glad tomorrow is thursday means it is almost the weekend. it'll be nice to relax. i've been working out a lot lately. i've been running a couple more times and worked out also. the gym downstairs isn't too horrible for an art housing place's weight room. things could definitely be worse. so long as it makes me sore, it does its job.

i'm coming home soon. mother and father try to figure out what you wish to do. cheddar's will be a definite. maybe some tennis. possibly some golf. we'll just have to see. figure out what you would like to do though. we'll have some fun though.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

i don't really know how this blog site is going to work. i'm working on it though. please give me some time to adjust.
i have been enjoying myself more lately. this break has been nice and refreshing.

a few nights ago i went to chris and joey's home

it was nice to get out and do something different. i met some new people too, which is always a good thing.

the next morning i went to get some skis at the sniagrab sale. i happened to pick up everything i needed. i'm so happy and, of course, can't wait for it to snow. it actually got pretty chilly last night there might be some hope for it happening in the near future.

here is what i happened to pick up:

i've been keeping pretty busy i'd say. i
went to the mall and got my computer fixed. things were messing up with my ipod. i got some applications while there also. last night i went to this thing called taste of colorado. it was nice to just walk around and spend time outside.

i've been doing some work lately for my classes. for one class i have to copy natural objects(which i took a picture of in the last post) and in the other i had to take 6 photos each of line, shape, value, contrast, and texture. it wasn't too horrible. i completed it in around 2 hours. i just walked around the neighborhood. here are some of my favorites.

that is only a few of the numerous ones i have taken. she gave me a good grade on them.

then for color theory:
the whole project:

my favorite ye far:

so yes things are going well. i'm enjoying my work though at times it can definitely feel tedious, it usually feels rewarding.

i'm going wander the neighborhood.

oh yeah, check out this quote i found....use it...for everything.
If you're just doing things in the moment and not reflecting on how you could do them better, it's very unlikely you'll improve. The takeaway: Focus on technique, even during playtime. Mindless participation is not enough.
Knowing you're doing something wrong isn't the same as doing it right. Once you've isolated problem areas, think about how you can avoid repeating mistakes. Performance gains come by recognizing flaws you'd like to pretend don't exist.